Rabu, 24 Juni 2015

Custom Rom Android One Andromax C2s

Andromax C2s
Andromax C2s

Syarat Dan Ketentuan

  1. Rooted Device
  2. CWM/TWRP Installed
  3. Nyali


  1. Link Rom Via 4Shared
  2. Patch Smartkeyboard+Su+Root Expoler Via 4Shared
  3. Patch Fix Bugs Via 4Shared

Installing Prosses

  1. Boot Ke CWM/TWRP
  2. Wipe Data
  3. Wipe Cache
  4. Wipe Dalvik
  5. Install Zip Rom – Patch –
  6. Done
  7. Reboot

List Game Tested

  1. COC ( Clash Of Clans )
  2. LGR (Line Get Rich )
  3. GTA SA ( Grand Thef Auto )
  4. NFSMW ( Need For Speed Most Wanted )
  5. MC3 ( Modern Combat 3 )
  6. Fifa 4
Thanks to : https://www.cusrom.info/rom-android-one-andromax-c2s/
